Why You Should Passively Invest Now
There is really nothing better than making money while you sleep. Passive income is defined as the income that you receive regularly which involves little effort on your part. You get paid every month, quarter, or year but do not participate in the management or contribute to the work in the investment.
Real Estate has outperformed the S&P 500 with more than double the gains since 1990. Yet, historically, unaccredited investors have been unable to access the outsized returns offered by private real estate investments. Tenacity has democratized access to the private real estate market, providing you the opportunity to improve your portfolio.
Savvy investors make Real Estate a staple of their diversified portfolio. Following modern portfolio theory, you allocate at least 20% of their wealth to private market or alternative investments; Tenacity provides diversification away from public market stocks and bonds and spreading exposure among a portfolio of quality land development offerings.
About Tenacity
Tenacity is passionate about passive real estate investing with like-minded people. We are guided by our quest to create generational wealth for our investors and ourselves via land development. By welcoming all types of investors, we believe that begets a greater community of people focused on shared goals. Our goal is to remove as much friction a possible for our investors by providing a method of passive investing offering(s) that allow for continual reinvestment while wealth grows through serial projects. We thrive in an environment where faith, family, and friends are at the forefront; ensuring that we are creating mutually beneficial exchanges of abundance.
Together with our established partner network we have a strong and robust five to seven (5-7) year integrated pipeline of development deals to close on. We have the land opportunities identified, the project management team in place, the selected contractors for the work, and a sophisticated list of buyers which put us in a strong position to put our investors’ money to work quickly and often; leveraging the velocity of money for our offerings.
Tenacity and their partner network have a combined 100+ years of business, real estate, budget, and project management experiences over a vast array of ventures. With their varied backgrounds the company is set up for multi-layered success in project completion, money management, closing and execution of completed land deals, and ensuring compliance to regulatory and legal requirements during the entire process.